New Direction Dentistry QLD

Safe Amalgam Removal

New Directions Dentistry QLD combines a steadfast commitment to your well-being with a dedication to environmental sustainability. Our safe amalgam removal process follows the stringent SMART protocol, ensuring meticulous care and attention to every detail. This approach is crucial for protecting both you and the environment from the potential risks associated with amalgam fillings. By adhering to these rigorous standards, we lead the way in providing safe amalgam removal services, safe and responsible dental care while prioritizing your health and the planet’s welfare.

The SMART Protocol: Ensuring Safety and Precision

Our approach to amalgam removal follows the SMART protocol:

Safe Techniques

We employ techniques that minimize mercury exposure to both patients and dental staff.

Our advanced ventilation systems effectively capture and filter mercury vapours, maintaining air quality and reducing exposure risks.

By minimizing the creation of fine particles, we prevent the dispersion of mercury during the removal process.

Once the amalgam is safely removed, we replace it with biocompatible, mercury-free alternatives, ensuring both your oral health and overall well-being.

Importance of Safe Amalgam Removal

Amalgam fillings contain mercury, a potent neurotoxin that can pose risks to both human health and the environment. Safe amalgam removal is essential to prevent mercury exposure, which has been linked to various health concerns, including neurological disorders and environmental pollution.

Keeping the Environment Safe

At New Directions Dentistry QLD, we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint while delivering exceptional dental care. By practicing safe amalgam removal, we prevent mercury contamination of waterways and ecosystems, contributing to a healthier planet for future generations. 

Mercury Safe, Mercury-Free, and Biocompatible Dentistry

Our commitment to your health extends beyond safe amalgam removal. We prioritize mercury-safe practices in all aspects of our dental care, from materials selection to treatment procedures. Our mercury-free and biocompatible approach ensures that your dental treatments are not only safe but also compatible with your body’s natural biology, promoting long-term oral health and overall well-being.


New Directions Dentistry QLD is dedicated to providing a safe and sustainable dental experience for our valued patients. Through the implementation of the SMART protocol and our dedication to mercury-safe, mercury-free, and biocompatible dentistry, we strive to provide you with the highest standard of care while safeguarding your health and the environment.

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